puppey boye
age: | 22 | mbti: | intp | gender: | m |
follow my site :3 | follow my egl/fashion insta :3

hi :] i suck at coding so the structural integrity of this site is less stable than a treehouse made of pipecleaners and so is its aesthetic direction but i wanted to make it anyway so enjoy the atrocity.
i wanted a place i could have ful control over. i am tired of the ad-riddled shitheap that most social media has become today. i hate the new web. i still use it but i feel like i cant be myself on there LOL.
i basically go between youtube, imageboards, fb, toyhouse, and thats it. i used to spend lots of time on deviantart but the **moderN ErA!!!11* caught up with that too and now the layout is shit ....yes im mad. neocities has been a breath of fresh air though even if its a bit dead. social anonymity is very freeing, but on the other hand so is wearing your soul on your sleeve or face or whatever the saying is. i guess im not sure which i prefer :] i can do without laser-targeted advertising every three instagram posts though.

2023 UPDATE this site has been half-abandoned :'3 not because im no longer interested in maintaining or creating it but because it feels too centered on only a very small part of my interests, almost like a sanitised version of my personality LOL.. i am still using this for fashion and lolita related stuff, but my personal site is elsewhere and not linked to this one.

i might make a better one but heres my first ever button hehe